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Chocolate Lover's Guide to Hormonal Weight Loss

Healthy Hustle

Boot Camp

Lose 7-12 lbs in this 3 week accelerator

Healthy Hustle

Signature Program

6 month transformative coaching program for life-long results

DISCLAIMER OF HEALTH-RELATED SERVICES: The information provided in the programs, content and services offered by Chelsea McLeod and Chelsea McLeod Consulting, PTY LTD, is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own medical doctor. Chelsea McLeod Health Coaching is not a licensed medical provider (including doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant or any other health professional), mental health provider, registered dietician or licensed nutritionist. Please understand that Chelsea McLeod Health Coaching doesn’t provide healthcare, medical or nutritional treatment therapies and I do not diagnose, treat or cure in any manner any disease or condition. Rather, I serve as a coach, educator, mentor and guide who provides training, education, support, resources, and guidance. Before taking any supplements please review with your doctor.

Don't take it from me...

See what Healthy Hustle clients are saying!

New mom post-detox protocol👆🏼

easy to start, long term sustainability👆🏼

sat on the fence for months (regrets)👆🏼

1 week into detox protocol, plateau no more 👆🏼

2 months after finishing the program👆🏼

Month 1 results 👆🏼

CLIENT Results speak for themselves 🔥

Healthy Hustle clients lose an average of:

Month 1:

8-10+ lbs

Month 2:

12-15 lbs

Month 3:

20+ lbs

6 months of laser-targeted proven protocols, expert coaching, support & accountability so that you can sustain results forever!

DISCLAIMER OF HEALTH-RELATED SERVICES: The information provided in the programs, content and services offered by Chelsea McLeod and Chelsea McLeod Consulting, PTY LTD, is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your own medical doctor. Chelsea McLeod Health Coaching is not a licensed medical provider (including doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant or any other health professional), mental health provider, registered dietician or licensed nutritionist. Please understand that Chelsea McLeod Health Coaching doesn’t provide healthcare, medical or nutritional treatment therapies and I do not diagnose, treat or cure in any manner any disease or condition. Rather, I serve as a coach, educator, mentor and guide who provides training, education, support, resources, and guidance. Before taking any supplements please review with your doctor.